这是一个基于Hexo构建的静态博客,其中所有的要素都来自于Hexo中的NexT主题。 在这个博客里我会分享我在工作和生活中的一些想法以及一些虚构的文学创作。评论系统选用的是Valine, 选取它的原因是考虑到它完美支持\(\LaTeX\)语法且用户无需注册即可评论。我欢迎拥有不同背景的人写下他们的评论,但我请求大家能留下友善的,有建设性的且与博文相关联的评论。那些打广告的,离题的,充满挑衅与人生攻击的评论将会被删除。 如遇反复如此发评论的人,我将保留关闭评论区的权利。转载,引用或翻译博客中的所有文章请遵循署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享4.0国际 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)协议,但如果是大规模的转载,引用或翻译(例如对象是一整个系列的文章)请务必先与我联系。最后祝大家可以享受阅读博客里的文章。
This blog is built based on the static site generator Hexo, its basic framework is constructed by the Hexo theme NexT. I will share my work and life experience and write some fictional articles here. I choose Valient to be the commenting system in my blog post, because it is simple, lightweight and it supports almost all commonly used \(\LaTeX\) syntax. People with all kinds of background are welcome to leave their comments, but I request that all the commenters keep their comments friendly, constructive and relevant to the blog post. Comments that are considered spam, off-topic, provoking and aggressive will be deleted. If there are offenders repeatedly failing to fulfill the above requests, I will reserve the right to close the comment sections of my blog posts. All the contents in my blog are provided under a Creative Commons license, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). If you wish to reproduce, quote from or translate a significant large portion of the content (e.g. an entire series of posts), please contact me about it first. I hope you enjoy reading the articles in my blog.